Nylon Guitarist

Learn rasgueado - 4 basic finger strokes

Learn rasgueado - 4 basic finger strokes



Video Details

Flamenco guitar lesson. Learn rasgueado - 4 basic finger strokes

Just about any rasgueado pattern you can think of is made up of combinations of these 4 basic elements. That’s been my experience anyway.


Learn these 4 building blocks and you're half way there.

The video opens with a short farruca to demonstrate various combinations of different finger strokes and rasgueados.


Video time stamps

00:16 demo Farruca

01:38 Basic stroke 1 Index finger strokes

02:02 Basic stroke 2 Thumb strokes

02:41 Basic stroke 3 Finger down strokes

05:52 Basic stroke 4 Golpe
07:30 triplet rasgueado



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  Nylon Guitarist


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